How do you achieve a 6 or 7 Star home?

How do you achieve a 6 or 7 Star home?

Achieving a 6-7 Star rating is the culmination of numerous design elements working together for the right climate zone.

Here are just some suggestions that can increase a home’s star-rating:

• Consider the home’s location, and how it is orientated on the block.
• Place non-habitable rooms such as laundries and bathroooms to the east and west, bedrooms to the south and main living rooms such as dining and meals to the north.
• Keep size in mind, as the bigger the home, the more difficult it is to get higher star ratings.
• Purposefully minimise wall area by avoiding complex floor plans that can increase the external wall area.
• Maximise north windows and minimise western, southern and eastern windows. Minimise window glazing on eastern and western windows.
• Plan proper shading for windows.
• Choose a flued gas heater instead of gas negus points.
• Increase ceiling insulation to R4.
• Consider wall cavity insulation, target east and west facing walls.
• Consider floor treatments such as floor tiles to living areas.
• Utilise ceiling fans.
• Choose energy efficient lighting, including use of sensors.
• Identify areas that can be ‘zoned’ or closed off.
• Seal doors, windows, vents and exhaust fans (self-sealing exhaust fans are an option).
• Consider tinted or double-glazed windows.
• Consider outside colour (roof and walls).

If you have already selected a block, your builder should offer a number of houses that are already 6-Star to suit the orientation and ‘climate zone’ of your existing block.

If you have not already chosen a block, your builder can help you choose a block with an orientation that best suits your favourite home design and optimise your overall energy rating.